Why you should write your to do list at the end of the day
If you’re into lists, you probably write your to-do list at the beginning of the day, right? This has been the way we’ve always done it! And it’s not all wrong, but maybe there’s a better, dare we say it, more organised way…
Creating a list at the end of the day as opposed to the start, can help reduce morning stress. Not only morning stress, though! Helping mark a definite end to the day could even help you not take the burden of work home with you!
Employment NZ says, “Poor work-life balance can lead to stress, absenteeism and low output. Employees’ general health and wellbeing, work satisfaction and motivation are all likely to be improved where work-life balance practices are working well.”
So we know that a good work life balance is essential to us working well and living well outside of the workplace. It helps us not take work home with us and actually improves the way we do work when we’re clocked on.
But maybe there’s some things that we can do to help ourselves not get into this situation in the first place.
Maybe fully decluttering our mind through a to-do list before we leave work could relieve us from finishing work but leaving our mind still at our computer. Maybe it could help us get to the office already organised and prepared for the day, making us more productive and therefore happier with what we achieved. Maybe it would make us more present with our families when we leave the office, helping us to be fulfilled in those other areas of life that are of more importance.
Simply writing your to-do list at the end of the day is such an effortless change but it seems it actually makes a world of difference - why not try it out!
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