• Walks you need to try this summer

    Looking for a new walking adventure to keep the whānau busy during summer? We’ve put together a list of some of our favourite walks in Wellington, Taranaki, Hawke’s Bay and Manawatū 
  • Retreats in New Zealand

    In need of some quality time with someone special or are just needing some time to recharge before finishing the year off strong? We have you sorted. Check out some great retreats found right here in Aotearoa.
  • The personality test


    Although we are often the closest ones to ourselves, it can still take a friend or an outside perspective to really see the nitty-gritty and to understand the mannerisms and intricate details of our lives. The way we do things, the patterns, the cycles, the reasons.

  • How to build immunity


    Getting back into normal life at the beginning of the year is exciting. We’re refreshed, relaxed, recharged and our tanks are full! We’re rearing to go. Full relaxation mode to the full busyness of life can be a shift that takes some adjusting to. And one area that can take a hit is our immunity. We want to help you and your family have the best possible start to the year by making sure your immunity is in the best shape it can be.

  • Reviving home treatments


    Whether you’re locked down, masked up or just needing some extra pampering right now. Here are three easy DIY facial treatments you can make and do at home to revive your skin and your mood.

  • Take time to korero

    Everyday conversations can make a big difference to our mental health and wellbeing. So take time out for a chat or kōrero for Mental Health Awareness Week (27 September – 3 October) and check out all the free resources, ideas and activities you can download to connect with your friends, workmates or whānau and give your wellbeing a boost.
  • Be sun smart this summer

    We know you know, but it’s always good to be reminded about what we can do to keep ourselves and our families safe in the sun during the summer months. Did you know that 9 out of 20 sunscreens tested by Consumer NZ failed to meet the SPF sun protection claimed on the label? Click through to read their full report free – it might help you when choosing your sun screen this summer. 
  • Mentemia wellbeing app

    Kiwis need mental wellbeing now more than ever as we face the challenges of COVID-19. Mentemia is a new app that can help, and right now, it’s free to all New Zealanders.