Learning te reo maori
Have you heard of Te Wiki o te Reo Māori? Every year since 1975 Aotearoa New Zealand has marked Māori Language Week in Mahuru (September). It’s a chance for everyone from beginners to fluent speakers, to give te reo Māori a go. Te Wiki o te Reo Māori runs from Monday 12 – Sunday 18 September 2022, tying in with Mahuru Māori – celebrating the ātaahua (beautiful) language all month during September.
This year is extra special as Wednesday 14 September marks the 50th anniversary of the Māori Language Petition. Join a livestream event at parliament as Aotearoa commemorates the anniversary and celebrates Te Wā Tuku Reo Māori at midday.
During Te Wiki o te Reo Māori we’re encouraged to set our own goals for learning the language. This could be portrayed in several ways; the point being not the amount of te reo you choose to speak over the week, but making an effort to incorporate at least some te reo to broaden your understanding and use of the language. Celebrate te reo from wherever you are, however you choose.
This could look like a greeting in the morning (mōrena), switching a word (like coffee!) for its Māori alternative (kawhe FYI!) or choosing to speak only te Reo Māori throughout your day. Whether a couple of hours, half a day or entirely for the whole month, it’s in your hands the amount you choose to partake in.
There are lots of resources online to make learning te reo Māori fun and easy:
- Te Aka Māori dictionary (search words and press play to hear how they are pronounced)
- Taringa Podcast
- Waiata / Anthems Spotify playlist
- Waiata Anthems TV show on TVNZ
- Everyday Māori with Hemi Kelly on Facebook
- Kupu (A Spark-sponsored app that uses the camera in your phone to instantly translate objects into te reo Māori)
- And if you’re on TikTok check out Sonny Ngatai, Josh Aoraki and Paaka Davis just to name a few.
If you live in Te Whanaganui-a-tara then make sure you enjoy Te Hui Ahurei Reo Māori o Te Whanganui-a-Tara, the Māori language festival of Wellington, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Māori language petition delivered to Parliament in September 1972 with te reo Māori focused arts and events.
Kia kaha te Reo Māori!
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