Our love letter to you
The love affair with gas isn't over.
Recent events might have shaken you, and caused you to ask, “Is this the end for gas?” We want you to know that the love affair is far from over.
Every Kiwi comfort lover knows that a home connected to gas is luxuriously comfortable. Toasty winter evenings spent snuggling on the sofa, lavishly long hot baths, and creating and enjoying countless delicious dinners together. Gas energy and comfort lovers are the perfect pairing.
There's no need to break up with gas by 2025 if you are already connected. Gas will continue to come down your pipes well after this date under the proposed recommendations.
And as we journey to the future, innovative new gases like hydrogen gas and biogas will help us move to even cleaner gas energy alternatives.
Read our love letter to you now. We hope it puts a smile on your face.
Ready to connect?
Check out the connection process, to know what choices you'll need to make as part of getting connected to natural gas.
Submit your natural gas connection application today. Our customer team will then ring you to confirm a few more details and progress your application.
Want to know more?
If you've had a good look around our website and still have questions let us know what you'd like more information about.