Embrace the warmth: Benefits of gas heating in your home

As winter sets in across the country, finding an efficient and reliable way to keep our homes warm is essential. Gas heating has long been a preferred choice for many households, keeping us cosy during the colder months. So, why choose gas in 2024? Let’s talk about some of the benefits. 

Efficient and cost-effective

Gas heating systems are known for their efficiency. They heat up quickly, providing immediate warmth without the lengthy wait times of many electric systems. This can translate to cost savings on energy bills, which is particularly helpful for budget-conscious households.

Reliable and consistent 

Gas heating systems experience fewer planned and unplanned outages compared to electric systems, providing consistent heat throughout your home. Additionally, natural gas has an outstanding safety record in Aotearoa. It’s one of the safest energy sources for your home, especially with smart appliance technology and features.

Heating options

There are numerous gas heating options available to suit different needs and homes.
  • Compact heaters: A great alternative to heat pumps, compact gas heaters offer a space-saving solution that disperses air evenly. These heaters are flued, ensuring they don’t add dampness to your home. They are known for providing efficient heating and excellent air quality.
  • Gas fireplaces: Gas ‘flame-effect’ fireplaces offer the ambience of a traditional fireplace without the mess or the hassle. They come in a variety of styles and sizes, with options for retrofitting and customisation. Outdoor gas fires are also great for keeping you warm while entertaining year-round (in style)!
  • Central heating: Central heating systems can be ducted under your house, in your walls, or in the roof space, depending on your home’s layout. Larger gas fireplaces can also be ducted, transferring warm air throughout your home, acting in a similar way to a central heating system.

Cost-saving tools

  • Powerswitch: Independently operated by Consumer NZ, Powerswitch helps Kiwis find the cheapest electricity and gas plans from participating retailers. By using Powerswitch, over 90 per cent of people find an average saving of $300 per year. 
  • The Gas Hub’s natural gas hot water tool: This tool helps you decide if gas is best for your home and compare different options for heating water – including natural gas, electricity, LPG and solar hot water systems. It only takes a few minutes to calculate the estimated upfront costs and running costs for your household, and to see how much you could save. 

The future of gas

If you like today’s gas, you’ll love the gas of tomorrow. New, renewable, low and zero-carbon gases could be the future. 

Renewable gas is a clean energy source that doesn’t produce additional emissions when used. Just like natural gas, it can be used for cooking, hot water, and heating. Biogas, produced from decomposing organic waste such as fruits and vegetables, offers a renewable alternative that could help reduce our carbon footprint.

With renewable hydrogen gas and biogas already being developed and trialled here in Aotearoa New Zealand and globally, you can continue to enjoy the benefits of gas in your life as we move to tomorrow’s gas energy.

Efficient, reliable and convenient, gas heating is an excellent choice for keeping your home warm and comfortable. With the exciting developments in renewable gases, the future of gas looks even brighter, meaning that you can enjoy the benefits of gas today and into the future.

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